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  • Writer's pictureKathryn Bigelow

A Productive Month

I had quite a productive month. I am one scene shy of being done. I wrote an ending just to get something down on paper, but I'm unhappy with the way the ending played out. Since I have the pieces written, I can go back and rewrite or edit what I have to make it stronger and better. The final scene remaining to be written is a bit of a teaser for something coming later in the next book, so I am unsure where to put it, even if I should write it or if I even need it. I will likely write it and see how everything reads together before making a final decision. It could easily be added into the second book with no detriment to the ending of the first one.

Over 26 thousand words were written this month, not including outlining notes. One scene remains and an ending that needs rewriting. This story will not reach 100k but who knows what editing will bring. I will need to go back and fix up character motivations, add in or fix foreshadowing, and bring everything together into a cohesive whole. I wasn't participating in NaNoWriMo, but I did accomplish a lot. Anyone out there participate in NaNo? How did you do? I joined a great local NaNo community that I hope will continue chatting and writing through the year. Fellow writers cheering each other on are so helpful.

Next month I suspect will start slow, I have a book in my TBR pile that will finally make it into my hands, so I will be dedicating what little time I have to reading through that. And once I complete the last words in my novel, I will be backing everything up and upgrading scrivener and possibly my computer, that way if there are issues, I'm not down at a critical time. I can do editing from my tablet which has worked out extremely well in the past as I can write notes and corrections directly on the pdf. I would like to do a quick read through making notes for future edits but with time short over the holidays, it might have to wait until the new year. In the meantime, I can start pecking away at the outline for the next story in the line and determine if everything should be all together or separate. One big tome or several smaller ones.

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